I began learning about my family history and origins at a young age. My mother is a genealogist and she shared her passion with her children. Family vacations were almost always centered around learning more about our family. One epic vacation involved driving across country to meet cousins at various stops across the Southern states. This was also my first experience observing original research at county courthouses and library archives.
Since that time, I have worked on my family tree off and on until it became a regular passion. I have attended conferences and many classes to sharpen my skills in original research, including using DNA. I periodically teach classes at my local Family History Center and assist others in their own research. I have recently begun the process to become an accredited genealogist.
I believe one of the ways to learn how to become a better genealogist is by reading and reviewing case studies. In this way genealogists and family historians can learn from professional genealogists and follow their research strategies. In this vain, this site presents case studies of ancestors and the research used to tell their stories. The goal is to help people find their ancestors so they can also tell their ancestor’s stories.
I am a veteran of the fashion industry specializing in children’s special occasion clothing. I have been involved with the manufacturing and selling of children’s clothing in big box retail and specialty boutique stores. I also love graphic design.